Thursday, May 28, 2009


When you receive a package that says "fragile" on the outside, you understand that whatever is inside is to be handled with gentleness and care. The potential to break is great for whatever is inside. The sign on the box implies that the contents have value and that the handlers and recipients must treat that package accordingly.

Abusers treat a valuable being without gentleness or care. They take what is obviously precious and mishandle it. Every creature on this green Earth is precious. Not plant nor ocean nor air nor creature should be handled in a brutal or course way. That truth is even more weighted when a human being is concerned. Jesus said that people who harm children - vulnerable or small people - would be better off if they had a concrete block tied around their necks and thrown into the ocean. Jesus was highly opinionated about those who handle fragile people in harsh or course ways. His harshest judgments were reserved for people who hurt children or vulnerable people (Matthew 18:16, Luke 9:42).

It's ironic that abused children often become adults who continue to abuse – but they abuse themselves! The way life is lived - the choices you make - often reflect the same disregard for yourself that your abusers had. Except the one who does not honor the "fragile" notice is you.

The truth is - you have enormous value. You are precious and must be treated accordingly. It's always interesting that most of us would never tolerate being talked to or treated in the way we talk to or mistreat ourselves. Much of what crushes us today is how we think about ourselves, how we talk to ourselves, how we handle ourselves.

Isn't it time to stop the destructive work of your abusers? Isn't it time to handle yourself with the care you should have experienced when you were small and vulnerable? Isn't it time that you stop acting like your abusers toward yourself and recognize the precious treasure that you are? Fragile - handle with care - those are instructions for you - to handle yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sallie
    I heard you the other day on neil boron live, and unfortunately the radio just did not want to stay clear, I live in ontario and was just not able to hear well, I believe the devil was not wanting me to hear as well. I too am a survivor of every type of child abuse, I would say the psycological, mental, verbal and most of all sexual abuse were in the extreme forms. I feel I have healed and was truly able to forgive my father, only after accepting Jesus as my savior and recognizing my own sin. When I read on your blog today that an abuser of children are better of to have a cement block around there next and thrown in the ocean, I felt so sad, even though unspeakable things were done to me it just made me sad that in the end the father (who has passed away) is in hell, I did talk to him about the Lord and forgiveness, but don't believe he accepted the Lord. But I fell recently I too am struggling so much with anger issues, I am constantly angry at my 3 children, and it is as if they cannot do anything right. I feel so upset if they are not doing well in school, I feel like they are lazy, and this makes me so mad, they leave dishes around or something laying out and I know I over react, and the angry words(curse words) that come up in my head are awful, I feel so awful for feeling like this, I do not say these things, but if I am alone, I do say them under my breath, I just feel so mad and angry all the time, this has progressed over time, and I realize what a sinner I am, and I have asked God to help me, I don't want to be upset at my children who I love sooooo much, it is tearing me up. I feel just like my father some times, and I feel so torn between quilt, and the anger because I think they are taking advantage of me. I really wanted to go to one of your seminars but they are only in the states and I would not be able to make that work, do you know or have any suggestions of seminars or workshops in ontario. I have read many self help books and christian books on this issue, I have prayed endlessly and I know I am not living the life the Lord wants me too. I love the Lord so much and want to be a vessel for his Love and this is just not happening, signed
    hopelessly sad and confused
    thanks you for reaching out and being a source of comfort and caring
    May the Dear Lord keep shining His lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path
